Aliya Noor

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Mobile: A severe disease

Earlier life was so easy and happy, everyone use to enjoy each others company and everyone was as they are on there back, nobody was double faced. Everyone use to play outdoor games, we were forced to come back home at evening. Grand parent stories were treasure, they use to tell us stories at night, we as a child use to imagine those fantasies.
                Today those fantasies are gone, everyone now have a new body part that is 'mobile'. Mobile has made us left our closure relations, those who are far are at contact but those who are close, are becoming far day by day.
                                               Outdoor games, parent,siblings, friends, hand written letters, market, restaurant, etc. Everything we are losing, these are started becoming memories, those treasure of stories now children use to listen on you tube. Every precious things are fading.
                  It's a damn request to each one please start eating your dinner with your family without a phone in hand. Do talk to them face to face, not on the whatsapp. Under a same roof we sometimes don't meet our family member. Take out time for mobile not for family.
- Aliya Noor 


Barsha Patnaik

22-Dec-2021 12:50 AM



Raghuveer Sharma

03-Dec-2021 11:07 AM

very nice



02-Dec-2021 11:38 PM

